To control your evaSMART with your mobile device and enjoy all the smart tools and features it offers you you have to install the Evapolar mobile app and log in to it first.
How to sign up: you can create a profile using your e-mail address. (Facebook option is temporarily unavailable)
1. Install and open the Evapolar mobile app.
2. Tap Sign up or Log in with your email address if you already have an Eva app account.
3. Enter your name, email address, and password** in the corresponding fields. Tap "Save & continue". Done!
You can connect your evaSMART via Wi-Fi now and control it from a distance.
Now a bit more about the app itself and the profile info screen. To get to the account menu tap those three horizontal lines in the upper-left corner .
4. Account menu
5. Profile info
Account menu
Here you can contact us with anything you'd like to ask us or if you need help on anything and also give us your feedback! We always appreciate and looking forward to hearing your thoughts on our product and the app!
You can also edit your profile here, learn more about our company and check the mobile app version. Also, you can of course log out.
Profile info
On the profile info screen you can check the email you're using with the Evapolar app or change the password or your name.
In case you've entered your email address and password at step 3, but tapping "Save & continue" does nothing, please make sure the password you set does meet our requirements, see below.
**Password requirements:
8+ symbols, at least 1 letter, at least 1 digit