Here's a short extract from our user manual - the Product guide which every box with the device is supplied with.
You can always buy a new evaLIGHT plus cartridge on our website.
If you're not sure how to remove or replace the cartridge (which is also often referred as a "filter" online) from the device, please watch the video or read the instructions below.
Step by step:
1. Disconnect the device from power source.
2. Remove the reservoir by sliding it up.
3. Use both hands to lift the upper part of the body. Push on both sides of its base to release the locks and then slide it upwards.
4. Unlock and move the control unit upwards and to the side.
5. Take out the old cartridge by lifting it up.
6. Place a new cartridge in place of the old one.
7. Put the device back together. Make sure the control unit is locked in its place and the housing top fits in the slots.
8. The device is ready to use.
— Depending on usage and storage, the cartridge can last 3-6 months.
— Poor water and air quality reduces the longevity of the cartridge.
— Allow the cartridge to completely dry out between long periods of no-usage (more than a week).
— Whilst replacing the cartridge, do not remove any parts other than those described in this guide.
If you have more questions, please feel free to ask anything via our Contact form, we'll be glad to help you!