To enjoy a nice cool breeze on a hot day, you need:
✓ Well-ventilated room
✓ Relative humidity <70%
✓ 1300 ml (44 oz) of pure water
✓ Power supply 2.5A 5V
The personal air cooler creates a local comfort zone in the direction of the airflow: it is intended to cool and humidify the air, also filtering large dust particles. To be in the center of that zone, place the device within 0.5 - 1.5 m (1.5 - 5 ft) of your position with its front grill facing you. To keep the device out of your way, place it slightly aside. This way you will always have room for a laptop or a book.
evaSMART is almost ready-to-use right after you unpack it. All you have to do is connect your device to Wi-Fi and add it to the mobile app and Smart Home.
To start the device follow the steps
Ensure the device is placed on the flat horizontal surface first.
Filling with water
1. Slide the water reservoir up. (DO NOT hold the water tank by its removable cover to avoid it detaching and falling down!)
2. Open the lid and fill the reservoir with water.
3. Place the reservoir back onto the base. Make sure it is installed properly. The water will start flowing automatically.
Depending on the air temperature and humidity, the full reservoir should provide from 4 to 9 hours of uninterrupted cooling.
TIP: To extend the time period before the next refill, you need to fill up the reservoir, wait until the cartridge is full of water (max.10 minutes) and then refill the reservoir once again
4. Use a laptop or PC/power bank/adaptor plugged into the socket as a power source. 2.5A 5V is a minimum requirement.
5. The Power button on the top of the device will light up. Press this button. The device will switch on with a short vibration.
6. Use the top panel of the device to adjust device parameters.
7. Move the slider on the sidewall of the device to adjust the airflow direction.
8. Install the Evapolar Mobile App to control the evaSMART via your smartphone.
9. Connect evaSMART to Smart Home and use the full voice experience for managing the device.
The temperature of the outgoing air will start to decrease in a few minutes. Enjoy your personal microclimate!
To get the most out of your cooler, please, read this article.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask anything via our Contact form, we'll be glad to help you!